Roadworks on Orchard Lane

The parish council has warned us that workmen will be repairing a speed hump at the top of Orchard Lane tomorrow. The lane is scheduled to be shut from 7.30 tomorrow morning until Noon, so it shouldn’t affect members. However, in the event the work overruns don’t be surprised if you can’t drive up the lane tomorrow night. Also, it would be unwise to leave your car overnight in the car park tonight because you won’t be able to pick it up in the morning – and please don’t use that as an excuse for drink driving tonight

Also, many thanks to those of you that have indicated that you are medically trained. It’s very reassuring to know that there are so many that can offer aid. For your information, the Club is looking at acquiring a defibrillator to be installed in either the lobby or the bar area, in order to support efforts to make the village a safer place for all. We are currently approaching various organisations to find out what options there are for funding the purchase.

Finally, thanks to those that have expressed an interest in snooker skill training. We’ll get back to you as soon as we are sure of the availability of senior players..